Protecting Your Personal Information

for IMRF Retirees
Forest bridge

For security reasons, we recommend the following changes when considering divorce:

Keep your IMRF beneficiary form up to date

Now is a good time to review and update your IMRF beneficiary information. The fastest way to do this is online through Member Access. You can also call us at 1-800-ASK-IMRF (275-4673) and request a copy be mailed to you.

The best way to view and update your beneficiary information is through your secure Member Access account at

To ensure your alternate payee receives the death benefits agreed upon in the divorce, they should be specified in the death benefit section of the QILDRO. QILDRO lump sum death benefit payments are paid to your alternate payee first, before any remaining benefits are paid to beneficiaries you named on your IMRF Designation of Beneficiary form.