Voluntary Term Life Insurance
The National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems (NCPERS) offers a voluntary life insurance plan for IMRF members.
This group decreasing term life insurance plan is provided by The Prudential Insurance Company of America.
Coverage is available to you at lower group rates, and you pay for this plan through payroll deduction. All actively working IMRF members can sign up for this plan, as long as your employer has adopted it. Contact your employer to find out if this plan is available to you.
While you can only sign up for the plan as an active member through your employer, you can choose to continue this coverage after retirement.
For more information on the NCPERS Group Decreasing Term Life Insurance Plan, visit the NCPERS website or watch the short video below.
This video introduces the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems (NCPERS) supplemental group life insurance program and explains the benefits it offers to IMRF members.