Making Sure Your QILDRO is Valid

for IMRF Retirees
Forest bridge

You are required to use the QILDRO forms provided by IMRF. You cannot change them in any way or they will be considered invalid. IMRF cannot accept an invalid QILDRO.

Reasons a QILDRO will be rejected by IMRF include:
  • The form is not IMRF’s form.
  • The form has been re-typed.
  • You have added, changed, crossed out words, or customized the form in any way.
  • Only part of the QILDRO form was submitted. You must submit the entire QILDRO form, even if there are sections you leave blank.
  • The form is not properly completed.
  • The required $50.00 processing fee was not included.
  • The form has not been signed by a judge in an Illinois Circuit Court.
  • The form has not been certified by the Clerk of an Illinois Circuit Court.
  • You did not include a signed consent form (if required; see below under “If you participated in IMRF before July 1, 1999”).

Have IMRF review your QILDRO before you go to court

If you want IMRF to review your QILDRO before you take it to court, mail or fax a copy to IMRF’s legal department at 630-706-4656. We will review your form to make sure it has been completed correctly.

Please keep in mind that we will NOT:

If you have questions about completing your QILDRO, please call IMRF before you take your QILDRO to court. IMRF can answer factual questions about your benefits and QILDROs, but we cannot do calculations for you or advise you on dividing your benefits.

If you participated in IMRF before July 1, 1999

If you participated in IMRF before July 1, 1999, IMRF must have your consent in writing before we can accept your QILDRO. You must complete and submit IMRF’s "Consent to Issuance of QILDRO" form along with your QILDRO.  

If you submit your QILDRO without this form, IMRF cannot accept it.

Submitting a QILDRO

Once you are sure your QILDRO has been completed and certified properly, submit it to IMRF along with the required $50.00 processing fee. Send the QILDRO to:

Legal Department
2211 York Road, Suite 500
Oak Brook, IL 60523-2337

Make sure to keep a copy of your QILDRO for your records.

If your QILDRO has errors

After IMRF receives your QILDRO, we will review it to make sure it is completed properly. If we find errors, your QILDRO is invalid and will not be accepted. We will contact you to inform you what the errors are and the steps you need to take to correct them.

Some errors can be easily fixed—for example, if you forgot to include the $50.00 fee. If there is a problem with the QILDRO form itself, however, you will need to go back to court to obtain a new QILDRO.