1.6 Board President Position Description

Meeting room

1.6 Board president position description

The President holds a position of leadership for the Board and IMRF and must be willing and able to devote the time necessary to fulfill these special responsibilities as the leader of the Board. This commitment includes the responsibility to:

  1. Convene and conduct Board meetings in a respectful, fair and efficient manner following Board policies, procedures and applicable Illinois law.
  2. Review and approve the agenda for regular and special Board meetings and include any issues requested by the Trustees or the Executive Director in accordance with the Board Meeting Protocol.
  3. Ensure proper and timely flow of adequate information to the Board.
  4. Solicit input from Trustees regarding matters before the Board.
  5. In setting Board Agendas, ensure adequate time is provided for effective study and discussion of business being considered by the Board.
  6. Schedule executive session meetings as necessary and in compliance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act.
  7. Make assignments to committees (including the committee chairperson), taking into account the desires of the Trustees.
  8. Execute such documents and other legal instruments on behalf of IMRF as required by Illinois law or authorized by the Board.
  9. Discuss performance and behavior issues which may be inconsistent with the Board’s Leadership Agreement with Trustees who are having a negative impact on IMRF.
  10. Perform all other duties specifically identified by the Board.
  11. Act as a member of IMRF's Ethics Commission.