November 2022
The Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Board of Trustees and staff are proud to present our adopted Strategic Plan for 2023-2025. The Strategic Plan includes our Mission, Vision and Values; Strategic Objectives for each of our four Key Result Areas; and our formal planning methodology.
Our Strategic Objectives challenge us to achieve top 10% performance for most Key Result Areas. These objectives are supported by a set of Key Strategies critical to the success of our Plan. The complete list of Strategic Objectives and Key Strategies is included in the enclosed Strategic Plan.
IMRF received the Malcom Baldrige National Quality Award in November 2019. This prestigious honor not only recognized our organizational excellence, but also provided a comprehensive feedback report to continue our efforts toward fulfilling our Vision. The Baldrige Framework helps shape the development of our Strategic Plan, which aligns our objectives with the four Key Result Areas of the Fund listed below. Our Journey of Excellence will continue throughout the duration of this plan as we reapply for the national award once eligible.
- Financial Health
- Customer Engagement
- Workforce Engagement
- Operational Excellence
Our Strategic Plan provides the Fund with a road map for meeting the challenges and opportunities in providing the highest quality retirement services to our members, their beneficiaries, and employers. It guides our efforts to continuously improve our service to our 3,032 employers; 172,310 participating members; 147,134 annuitants; 138,391 inactive members; and the taxpayers of Illinois.
We appreciate your interest in IMRF and welcome your feedback.
Brian Collins,
Executive Director