Board Resolution 2006-10-10

Meeting room

Topic: IMRF Board
Subtopic: Trustee Campaigning
Date: 10/27/2006
Status: Active

WHEREAS, active Trustees are participating employees in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund who have a vital interest in the election of Trustees to serve on the Board; and

WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the Board of Trustees to the municipalities and their participating employees to insure that they are kept correctly informed about the Fund’s activities; and

WHEREAS, it is the desire of the members of the Board to delineate between their duties and responsibilities as Board Members and their rightful activities in campaigning for themselves or others for Trustees’ positions.


  1. The Board of Trustees recognizes that every Board Member has the right to campaign either for himself or any other candidate for office in a Trustee election.
  2. Trustees agree to campaign as individual Board Members and to clearly indicate that their endorsement or support of any candidate is in their individual capacities and their endorsement and support does not constitute Board endorsement of any particular candidate.
  3. Trustees agree to refrain from making any representation as to the endorsement or support of any candidate, or absence thereof, by other Trustees.

The Board shall issue a memorandum to the municipalities and/or participating employees whenever a majority of the members agree, by either telephone or a duly called Board Meeting, that there is a need to correct misleading information regarding the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund.