Board Resolutions - Eligibility

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Board Resolution 2020-11-12(b)
This resolution provides rules for the participation of governing body officials and other elected officials. The new resolution removes the information about how elected officials can obtain prior service with a newly participating IMRF employer.
Section: About IMRF  
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Board Resolution 2020-07S-04(b)
This resolution changes the requirements for county board member participation in IMRF. Recertification of county board positions will no longer be required. Refer to Special Memo 340 for more information.
Section: About IMRF  
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Board Resolution 2011-08-14
Clarifies that time spent "on call" is included as "performance of duty" and is thus counted toward the 600 (or 1,000) hours duty requirement.
Section: About IMRF  
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Board Resolution 2005-07-07(a)
Establishes that the following paragraph be added to the rules governing benefit protection leave of absence.
Section: About IMRF  
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Board Resolution 1994-05-24
Resolves that probationary periods are not recognized and immediate enrollment in IMRF is required.
Section: About IMRF  
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Board Resolution 1994-05-23
Requires that the ultimate responsibility for such determination belongs to the governing body of each unit of government.
Section: About IMRF  
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Board Resolution 1983-12480
Establishes that the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund does hereby elect to exclude from participation in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund all officials and employees in positions normally requiring performance of duty for less than 1,000 hours per year.
Section: About IMRF  
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Board Resolution 1969-7330
Establishes that the Executive Director of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund is directed to request the State Social Security Administrator to prepare and file a modification to a State-Federal agreement to include court-appointed, county compensated, state employees as members of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund retirement system coverage group.
Section: About IMRF  
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Board Resolution 1968-7033(j)
Adopted rules and regulations related to the retirement annuity formula provided by the amendment to Section 7-142
Section: About IMRF  
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Board Resolution 1967-6866
Adopts that when an employee is commissioned to perform police protection duties, he is no longer eligible to participate in the Fund.
Section: About IMRF  
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Board Resolution 1965-6059
Establishes that any supplementary amounts paid by counties to Associate Justices of the Circuit Court not be considered as earnings subject to either IMRF or Social Security deductions under the IMRF Act on the grounds that said Justices are not county employees, and be it further.
Section: About IMRF  
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Board Resolution 1964-5872
Establishes that Social Security coverage be recognized to apply to 1956 and 1957 earnings which were not a matter of record
Section: About IMRF  
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Board Resolution 1962-5395
Establishes that the assets and liabilities of abolished instrumentalities be allocated among each of the school districts served on the basis of the funds of each school district handled by the township school treasurer in the school year immediately preceding the abolishment
Section: About IMRF