Board Resolution 1983-12480

Meeting room

Topic: Eligibility
Subtopic: Hourly Standard for IMRF Participation
Date: 1/28/1983
Status: Active

WHEREAS, Section 7-137 of the Illinois Pension Code provides that Effective January 1, 1982, certain employers in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund may elect to exclude from participation in the Fund persons in positions normally requiring performance of duty for less than 1,000 hours per year; and

WHEREAS, the exclusion may be applicable only to persons first employed in positions with the Fund by any employer in the Fund after the adoption of the resolutions establishing the exclusion; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees is authorized by Section 7-137 of the Illinois Pension Code to adopt such exclusion and it is desirable that it do so;

RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund does hereby elect to exclude from participation in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund all officials and employees in positions normally requiring performance of duty for less than 1,000 hours per year.

FURTHER RESOLVED that this exclusion shall apply only to officials and employees who first occupy offices or positions with the Fund after adoption of this resolution;

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary is authorized and directed to file a duly certified copy of this resolution with the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund.