Board Resolution 2005-05-05(e)

Meeting room

Topic: Disability Benefits
Subtopic: Termination
Date: 5/20/2005
Status: Active

WHEREAS, Section 7-151 of the Illinois Pension Code provides that disability benefits shall be terminated when the member reaches the age for a full Social Security old-age insurance benefit or after five years, whichever is later; and

WHEREAS, the clerical and accounting procedures required to control and pay fractional month disability benefits to beneficiaries reaching termination age are not justified by the savings involved therein, and beneficiaries misunderstand being paid final fractional month benefits; and

WHEREAS, this Board is required to construe the IMRF law and, in this instance, to determine how the final payment of a disability benefit should be computed for a disabled employee reaching the age for a full Social Security benefit;

RESOLVED, that disability benefit payments to disabled employees terminated because of age shall be paid to the last day of the month in which the employee reaches the age for a full Social Security benefit.