Legislation Introduced in 2021
House Bills
Bill Number | Sponsor | Summary | Board Position |
HB 45 | Rep. Katie Stuart / Sen. Melinda Bush |
Converts certain language in the Illinois statutes to be gender neutral; for IMRF, changes "aldermen" to "alderpersons" |
HB 170, as amended | Rep. Lawrence Walsh |
Adds the firefighters from a municipality that meets certain criteria to IMRF SLEP. Also creates an occupational disease disability pension for all firefighters and firefighter/paramedics that participate in IMRF (amendment not yet adopted) |
HB 447 | Rep. Curtis Tarver |
Adds certain felonies to the list of those for which a member will forfeit his or her pension, even if not job-related. Applies to new SLEP members, as well as public safety members in other systems. |
HB 1429, as amended by HA #1 | Rep. Curtis Tarver |
Includes the provisions of HB 447 and requires the court to determine, using specific factors, if the conviction forfeits the member's pension as a disqualifying offense (amendment has not yet been adopted) |
HB 1429, as amended by HA #2 | Rep. Curtis Tarver |
Contains a technical correction to House Amendment #1 (amendment has not yet been adopted) |
HB 1429, as amended by HA #3 | Rep. Curtis Tarver |
Applies the provisions of House Bill 447 to all new members of any Illinois public pension system (amendment has not yet been adopted) |
HB 1735 | Rep. Maurice West |
Terminates the office of coroner and requires county boards to appoint medical examiners. For IMRF, removes the term "coroner" from those eligible to participate in ECO. |
HB 1844, as amended | Rep. Janet Yang Rohr |
Requires all public pension systems to determine annutally the carbon footprint of its investment portfolio and make the report public. Allows the systems to use outside financial data providers to collect the required information. (amendment has been introduced, but not adopted) |
HB 2578 | Rep. Mike Murphy |
Creates a Task Force to study and make recommendations for changes to pension funds to reduce taxpayer burden and assure members are treated fairly |
HB 2847 |
Rep. Blaine Wilhour |
Limits the total annual pension to no more than $132,900, indexed annually. Applies to new and current annuitants |
HB 2848 |
Rep. Blaine Wilhour |
Sets annual increases at the percentage increase in the CPI-u for the preceding 12 months. Applies to new and current annuitants. |
HB 2849 |
Rep. Blaine Wilhour |
Increases the minimum age for pension eligibility by one year as of the effective date and an additional year effective five years after the effective date. |
HB 2973 |
Rep. Thomas Morrison |
In the provisions applicable to IMRF, excludes unused sick or vacation time from being used for reportable earnings or service credit (new members only). Also creates a Tier 3 plan for the state-funded systems and makes changes to other pension systems. |
HB 2976 |
Rep. Thomas Morrison |
In the provisions applicable to IMRF, prohibits participation by part-time elected officials (also applicable to the Chicago Municipal and Cook County funds) - newly elected officials only. Also closes the General Assembly Retirement System to new members. |
HB 3004, as amended |
Rep Mark Batinick / Sen. John Connor |
Prohibits trustees from being employed by that pension fund or a vendor to that fund for one year after he or she is no longer a trustee. Applies to all Illinois public pension funds. |
HB 3062 |
Rep. Camille Lilly |
Requires all funds to develop a climate change risk minimization policy for fund investment policies. |
HB 3474 |
Rep. Michael Halpin / Sen. Linda Holmes |
Prohibits candidates who meet the criteria to serve as an Executive Trustee from serving as an Employee Trustee |
HB 4013, as amended |
Rep. Kelly Cassidy |
Converts certain language in the Illinois statutes to be gender neutral; for IMRF, changes "aldermen" to "alders." Substantially similar to House Bill 45 (amendment has not yet been adopted) |
*Pending recommendation by the Legislative Committee and approval by the IMRF Board of Trustees
Senate Bills
Bill Number | Sponsor | Summary | Board Position |
SB 43 |
Sen. Robert Martwick |
Sets the age for the required minimum distribution at the age found in the federal Internal Revenue Code. Makes corresponding changes for other systems. |
SB 53 |
Sen. Robert Martwick |
Moves the Tier 2 language for the regular plan from Article 1 (the General Provisions Article, which is applicable to all of the systems) to Article 7. It makes no substantive changes to Tier 2. Also removes a requirement that IMRF have the audit firm approved by the state Auditor General. |
SB 296 | Sen. Karina Villa |
Requires (rather than permits) all funds to indemnify all trustees and staff (rather than trustees, staff, and consultants) against damage claims and suits, when the claim is sought for negligent or wrongful acts in the scope of employment or at the direction of the trustees. |
SB 611 | Sen. Craig Wilcox | Adds veteran-owned firms to the type of first that qualify as emerging investment managers and requires goals for veteran-owned firms to be established in the same manner that separate goals must be developed for the current three categories. Applicable to all public pension systems. |
SB 1056, as amended | Sen. Robert Martwick / Rep. Emanuel Chris Welch | Includes technical change proposals from various systems. In the provisions applicable to IMRF, moves the Tier 2 provisions for the regular plan from Article 1 to Article 7 and removes a requirement that state Auditor General approve the Fund's audit firm, both of which were included in SB 53. It also sets the age for the required minimum distribution to that included in the federal Internal Revenue Code, which were included in SB 43. Also allows current Commerce Commission officers participating in SERS to transfer IMRF SLEP service to that system, which was originally in SB 2104. (amendment has not yet been adopted) |
SB 1430, as amended | Sen. Donald DeWitte | Allows participating municipalities to cease participation IMRF (for new employees) and create their own alternative retirement plans, if they choose. The bill also deems employees of employers that choose an alternative retirement plan to be considered members of IMRF for purposes of maintaining Social Security coverage. (amendment has not yet been adopted) |
SB 1980, as introduced | Sen. Laura Fine | Allows courts to award reasonable attorney's fees and costs in actions where the payment of benefits to a member or beneficiary is brought under the Pension Code or pension clause of the Illinois Constitution. Applies to all pension funds. |
SB 1980, as amended | Sen. Laura Fine | Requires courts to award reasonable attorneys fees and costs (rather than allows, as in the original bill) in actions wher ethe payment of benefits to the member or beneficiary is brought under the Pension Code or pension clause of the Illinois Constitution. Applies to all pension funds. |
SB 2103 as amended | Sen. Robert Martwick | The bill has been amended and no longer affects IMRF |
N/A |
SB 2104 | Sen. Robert Martwick | In the provision applicable to IMRF, adds Commerce Commission police officers to the list of SERS participants eligible to transfer service from IMRF SLEP to SERS. Makes similar changes to other systems. |
SB 2106 | Sen. Robert Martwick | Sets the age for the required minimum distribution at the age found in the federal Internal Revenue Code. Makes corresponding changes for other systems. Identical to SB 43. |
SB 2107, as amended by SA #1 | Sen. Robert Martwick / Rep. Michael Halpin | Adds the Firefighters' Pension Investment Fund to the list of entities eligible to participate in IMRF for purposes of allowing that fund's staff to participate in IMRF. |
SB 2107, as amended by SA #2 | Sen. Robert Martwick / Rep. Michael Halpin | Adds the Police Officers' Pension Investment Fund to the list of entities eligible to participate in IMRF for purposes of allowing that fund's staff to participate in IMRF. |
SB 2211 | Sen. Jason Plummer | Limits retroactive service to 30 days |
*Pending recommendation by the Legislative Committee and approval by the IMRF Board of Trustees