Authorized Agent Webinars
Our Employer Workshops for 2023 will be offered online in two separate 90-minute-long webinar sessions (Parts 1 and 2) designed for Authorized Agents and other employer representatives. Staff members who assist you with day-to-day IMRF issues and processes such as enrollment, payroll reporting, benefit applications, employer related matters with IMRF reporting and auditing are encouraged to attend.
Part 1: Authorized Agent Webinar: Introduction, Enrollment, Wage Reporting, and Termination: Tuesday, May 16, at 9 AM (central time)
Please join us for an overview of IMRF and a review of the Member Enrollment, Wage Reporting process, review of IMRF Reportable Earnings, Wage Reports/ Adjustments, Accelerated Payments and Termination protocol and processing.
Part 2: Authorized Agent Webinar: Benefits, Employer Rates, and Legislation: Tuesday, May 23, at 9 AM (central time)
Please join us for an overview of IMRF Benefits including Refunds, Disability, Death, and Retirement. This Part will also cover an overview of pension funding basics, Employer Contributions and Rates and current legislation.
This single registration will allow you to attend both parts. You are unable to cancel the registration from any single session (Part 1 or Part 2), but attendance is not mandatory. You will automatically receive a recording of the webinar after the presentation (usually within 1-2 hours.)
Part 1: Authorized Agent Webinar: Introduction, Enrollment, Wage Reporting, and Termination: Tuesday, June 6, at 9 AM (central time)
Please join us for an overview of IMRF and a review of the Member Enrollment, Wage Reporting process, review of IMRF Reportable Earnings, Wage Reports/ Adjustments, Accelerated Payments and Termination protocol and processing.
Part 2: Authorized Agent Webinar: Benefits, Employer Rates, and Legislation: Tuesday, June 20, at 9 AM (central time)
Please join us for an overview of IMRF Benefits including Refunds, Disability, Death, and Retirement. This Part will also cover an overview of pension funding basics, Employer Contributions and Rates and current legislation.
This single registration will allow you to attend both parts. You are unable to cancel the registration from any single session (Part 1 or Part 2), but attendance is not mandatory. You will automatically receive a recording of the webinar after the presentation (usually within 1-2 hours.)