IMRF Death Benefits Protect Your Survivors
As an IMRF member, you are not only earning an IMRF pension—you also have important death benefits you should know about.
The amount and type of your IMRF death benefits depends upon your:
- Service credit
- Participation status
- Marital status
To view a current estimate of your IMRF death benefits, sign into your Member Access account.
Active Member Death Benefits
You are considered an active IMRF member if you are:
- Working in a position that qualifies for IMRF participation
- Receiving IMRF disability benefits
- On seasonal leave
- On an IMRF Benefit Protection Leave
If your IMRF service credit is: | Your death benefits are: |
Less than one year | If your death is job related, a lump sum equal to one year’s salary (up to the wage cap) plus any balance in your member account. Instead of the lump sum, a beneficiary annuity may be payable. |
If your death is NOT job related, a lump sum equal to any balance in your member account | |
More than one year but less than ten years | A lump sum equal to one year's salary (up to the wage cap) plus any balance in your member account. Instead of the lump sum, a beneficiary annuity may be payable. |
Ten or more years (you are vested for an IMRF pension) |
If you have an eligible spouse, your spouse may choose:
If you DO NOT have an eligible spouse, a lump sum equal to one year's salary (up to the wage cap) plus any balance in your member account. Instead of the lump sum, a beneficiary annuity may be payable. |
When is a Surviving Spouse Eligible?
For your spouse to be eligible for active member death benefits:
- You must be an active IMRF member at the time of your death.
- You must have named your spouse as your only primary beneficiary on your IMRF Designation of Beneficiary form.
- The date of your marriage or civil union must be at least one year prior to your death.
What is the Balance in Your Member Account?
The balance in your member account is the accumulation of your member contributions, plus any interest earned on your contributions and less any benefit prepayments.
What is a Benefit Prepayment?
Any time a benefit is paid out of your account using estimated payments, we may initially pay out a higher payment than you or your beneficiary(ies) is entitled to. This is called a “prepayment.” IMRF is required by law to recover prepayments, typically through reductions from future benefit payments.
Additional Surviving Spouse Pension Information
- The amount of the surviving spouse benefit is always 66-2/3%% of IMRF's standard pension plan and is payable for the lifetime of your surviving spouse, even if your spouse remarries.
- Surviving spouse pensions under Tier 2 are increased each January. The increase amount is the lower of:
- 3% or
- One-half of the increase in the Consumer Price Index (urban) for the preceding year of the original amount. If the CPI decreases or is zero, no increase is paid.
- If your surviving spouse is under age 60, IMRF will advise your spouse of the amounts payable under both the standard pension and under the optional pension.
How Divorce Can Affect Your Designation of Beneficiary
If you named your spouse as your primary beneficiary and you later divorce, your former spouse is no longer considered a beneficiary. If you want any other arrangement, you must file a new designation of beneficiary.
Different rules apply for members who divorce after they begin receiving an IMRF pension.
You Can Provide an Additional Optional Death Benefit
The Reversionary Annuity option gives you the choice of receiving a smaller IMRF pension so you can provide a lifetime pension for someone else upon your death. With a Reversionary Annuity, you can:
- Provide your eligible spouse with a pension in addition to the IMRF surviving spouse pension.
- Provide your non-eligible spouse a monthly pension similar to the surviving spouse pension, if your spouse is not eligible for a surviving spouse pension.
- Provide any other individual with a lifetime monthly pension, such as a child, an ex-spouse, or any other person.
You must choose this option by returning a completed "Reversionary Annuity Application" form (Available in Member Access) by the time you return your retirement application.
If you choose a Reversionary Annuity:
- You cannot change the individual you named to receive the Reversionary Annuity—even if you change your mind later or the person you named pre-deceases you.
- If the person you named pre-deceases you, your pension will permanently remain the reduced amount.
Learn more about IMRF's Reversionary Annuity option.