Special Memo 339

Illinois State Capitol

IMRF Board Resolution 2017-05-10 for Appointed Governing Body Participation in IMRF

May 31, 2017

In order to ensure correct enrollment of appointed board members, the IMRF Board of Trustees adopted Board Resolution 2017-05-10. It requires all governing bodies whose members are appointed to pass a resolution affirming that those members, if they are to be eligible for IMRF participation, are required to work enough hours.

IMRF participation is limited to employees and officials whose positions require at least 600 (or, if applicable 1,000) hours of actual work in a twelve-month period. If that much time is not needed for a position, the employee or official may not be enrolled in IMRF. Your governing body should evaluate the time necessary for its members to perform their duties. Hours spent at meetings, preparing for meetings, in the office, working with the professional staff, and actually conferring with the public on board business are counted toward the IMRF hourly standard. Hours spent on-call or otherwise informally available to the public should not be counted in the determination of hours required.

To comply with this new rule, appointed governing bodies participating in IMRF must adopt a resolution affirming the position’s hours before September 1, 2017. The governing body may use IMRF Form 6.64-A, “A Resolution Relating to Participation by An Appointed Governing Body in The Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund,” or your governing body may draft and adopt its own resolution that is consistent with IMRF Form 6.64-A. This resolution must be recertified every two years.

After the resolution is adopted, it must be filed with IMRF. If IMRF does not receive a resolution from a unit of government with an appointed governing body currently participating in IMRF, the governing body members will no longer be eligible to participate in IMRF and will have their participation terminated.

Contact IMRF with questions

If you have questions about participation in IMRF by your appointed governing body, please contact IMRF’s General Counsel, Kathy O’Brien, at 630-368-5352.