General Memo 652


Voluntary Payments to Reduce the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability

November 17, 2014

Voluntary Payments to Reduce the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability

We encourage each Authorized Agent to share this memorandum with their unit of government’s financial administrators.


Executive Summary

Some IMRF employers carry Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL). While part of an employer’s annual contribution rate goes toward paying down UAAL, IMRF employers may choose to make additional payments to pay down the liability more quickly. An employer who makes additional payments to reduce its UAAL faces unique rewards and risks.

If you are interested in discussing the rewards and risks of voluntary payments, please contact IMRF's Chief Financial Officer Mark Nannini at 630-368-5345. To maximize potential benefits, it is important to make additional contributions before year-end.


Your employer contribution rate and your UAAL

Your employer annually pays a contribution rate set by IMRF. The rate your employer pays is broken down in your Contribution Rate Notice in the Document Archive of Employer Access.

Each employer’s contribution rate includes a portion to pay the Normal Cost of an IMRF pension. The Normal Cost is the cost to the employer of the members’ pension benefits earned in a given year. For employers who carry UAAL, the contribution rate includes a portion called a Funding Adjustment. The Funding Adjustment goes toward paying interest and principal on UAAL. The UAAL carries a 7.5% interest charge.

For 2015 employer contribution rates:

When an amortization period becomes a rolling period, the remaining UAAL is effectively refinanced each year. That means, theoretically, that the remaining UAAL will never be paid off.

Voluntary payments and your UAAL

Some IMRF employers opt to make voluntary payments specifically designated to pay down the UAAL. An employer who makes voluntary payments to reduce its UAAL faces unique rewards and risks.



Contact IMRF

If you are interested in discussing the rewards and risks of voluntary payments, please contact IMRF's Chief Financial Officer Mark Nannini at 630-368-5345. To maximize potential benefits, it is important to make additional contributions before year-end.