Marianne Marlow: Rockford's Reading Volunteer
When did you start volunteering?
I started volunteering shortly after my retirement. I retired in April 2012, and began volunteering right after that. Currently, I volunteer at two local schools, and I also serve as a tutor to adult readers at the Literacy Council in Rockford.
What prompted you to volunteer?
I began volunteering because I wanted to share some of my reading talents with others and help young children develop proficient reading skills. Currently, I volunteer at the Whitehead Elementary School through the Rockford Public Schools, Rolling Green School through the I READ program through the United Way and the Literacy Council in Rockford.
Tell us more about your volunteer experience with the Rockford Public Schools, United Way, and the Literacy Council?
"When I see someone from work and they ask me how my retirement is going, maybe they expect me to say that I'm taking exotic trips around the world, but that is not who I am and it never was."
I READ program, United Way
As a volunteer for the I READ program through the United Way, I am placed at the Whitehead Elementary School in Rockford to help kindergartners and young students with their literacy improvements and reading skills. The I READ program is unique because tutors work with the kindergarten students on developing literacy skills and follow the students through third grade. This gives students continuity throughout their early years and keeps them on track so they are prepared for the third grade reading level. This program is very well-known in Rockford. The program recruits volunteers and pairs them up with young students. Most of these students aren't where they should be when it comes to reading. That's why this program is so important to me. The idea is to have students work with the reading mentors to develop good reading skills and improve literacy. I believe that as volunteers, we can all work together towards improving the current disparity in academic achievement in Rockford.
Rockford Public Schools
I also volunteer as a tutor at the Rolling Green School through the Rockford Public Schools. I work with children that are bright, but they don't have the stable environment at home to focus on reading. Most students who struggle with reading are missing essential fundamental skills. As a volunteer, it is important for me to help establish the correct skills and also encourage them to see new possibilities.
Literacy Council, Rockford
As a volunteer at the Literacy Council, I support the adult readers who need help with basic reading and writing skills, and for those who are learning English as a Second Language. Besides volunteering, I also make monetary donations to organizations like the United Way. Most of my monies go towards buying books for schools that are not on the I READ list. Last year, every kindergartner in two local schools received a book at the end of the year. This year I plan to provide books at three schools by making a personal contribution of $500.
How many hours do you volunteer?
On an average, I volunteer at least six hours a week.
What do you enjoy the most about volunteering?
My volunteer experience has been so enriching. I took an early retirement at age 55 and that summer was kind of like a detox from my old job. I knew that I could not stay at my house all day. I wanted to help others. I still have my hobbies, my dog, and a great husband, but I needed to feel useful. When I see someone from work and they ask me how my retirement is going, maybe they expect me to say that I'm taking exotic trips around the world, but that is not who I am and it never was. My job is to help improve students' reading achievement and lay a strong foundation for their success in school and in life.
Does IMRF play a role in your capacity as a volunteer?
I was fortunate to take an early retirement at 55 with 32 years of service. My retirement has helped me to donate my time and resources towards volunteering. IMRF has helped me to become the volunteer that I always wanted to be.
If you were to win this staff donation of $1,000, how do you hope to utilize it for your volunteering program?
I would like to purchase books for the children through the United Way’s I Read list.
More information on the Literacy Council can be found here
More information on the I READ program , United Way, can be found here