Board Resolution 2005-10-06(i)

Meeting room

Topic: IMRF Board
Subtopic: Board Committee Meeting Protocol
Date: 10/28/2005
Status: Active

Board Committee Meeting Protocol

Rules of Order and Quorum

(1) The Board Committees shall operate under the general guidance of Robert’s Rules of Order.

(2) A quorum must be present for the Board Committees to conduct business. A quorum is a majority of the members of the Committee. By law, Committees must maintain a minimum of 3 members. Committee vacancies need not be filled unless membership would drop below 3.

(3) Board Committee members may not attend meetings through delegates or authorize voting by proxy.

(4) Only Board Committee members may make motions, participate in debate or vote at Committee Meetings.

(5) Because all Trustees are fiduciaries and will be required to vote on Committee recommendations, non-Committee members may attend and ask questions at Committee Meetings.

Scheduling of Regular, Special, and Emergency Meetings

(1) Meetings of Board Committees are held as needed. The Board Committee may schedule some meetings outside of the Village of Oak Brook.

(2) The Committee Chairperson may call for special or emergency meetings of the Board Committee.

Meeting Notices

(1) At least forty-eight hour notice of all Board Committee meetings, including executive sessions, will be provided to the public in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

(2) If permitted by the Illinois Open Meetings Act, in the case of an emergency meeting requiring immediate action to avoid some serious consequence, shorter notice may be provided.

(3) The Executive Director shall normally provide the Trustees with seven calendar day’s notice of all Board Committee meetings.

Trustee Attendance by Electronic Media

A Trustee may participate in any meeting of the Board Committee by telephone or video conference in a manner consistent with the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

Committee Meeting Agendas

(1) The Committee Chairperson in consultation with the Executive Director will prepare an agenda for each Board Committee meeting containing the specific matters to be discussed, considered or decided at the meeting.

(2) The Board Committee may discuss, consider or make decisions only on matters on the agenda.

(3) Items can be placed on a Board Committee meeting agenda by:

a) Any Board Committee Member

b) The Board Committee Chairperson

c) The Board President

d) The Executive Director

(4) The agenda for an executive session must contain a general description of the matter to be considered or decided at the meeting.

Meeting Materials

(1) The Executive Director will make every reasonable effort to distribute related Board Committee meeting materials to the Committee Members seven calendar days before each meeting.

(2) The Executive Director shall prepare a summary of the issues to be discussed, a staff or Committee recommendation, if applicable, and a proposed motion for the full Board to consider.

Public Access and Testimony at Board Committee Meetings

(1) All meetings of the Board Committee are public and all persons who wish to attend may do so in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

(2) Every agenda for regular Board Committee meetings will provide the public an opportunity to be heard. The Committee Chairperson may prescribe the time and manner of such public comment.

(3) The Executive Director, in consultation with the Committee Chairperson, will convene meetings in facilities and locations that provide the public with reasonable access.

Executive Sessions

(1) The Board Committees may conduct business in executive session as permitted by the Illinois Open Meetings Act. Executive sessions shall be presided over by the President of the Board.

(2) Executive Sessions shall be closed to the public and subject to the following conditions:

a) The executive session must be held during a regular, special or emergency meeting of the Committee.

b) The executive session must address only those subject matters permitted under the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

c) The executive session must satisfy all notice requirements under the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

d) Proceedings will be recorded.

(3) The Committee will take no action in executive session with regard to a matter considered. Any such action must be taken during that portion of a meeting that is open to the public.

Meeting Minutes and Board Committee Records

(1) The Executive Director working with the Board Secretary will ensure that minutes of all meetings of Committees are taken and made available to the public as required by Illinois law.

(2) The Executive Director working with the Board Secretary will prepare a written copy of the minutes taken at prior meetings of the Committee and present it to the Committee for approval at a subsequent meeting.

(3) The Executive Director working with the Board Secretary will maintain records of the Committee activities and actions in accordance with Illinois law and such other documents necessary to establish a due diligence record of the Committee’s activities.