Board Committees

for IMRF Members, IMRF Employers, Public Officials, Media and General Public
Meeting room

Board of Trustee Committees

The IMRF Board of Trustees has many responsibilities including approving IMRF's administrative budget, authorizing employer contribution rates, adopting actuarial assumptions and appointing the IMRF actuary and IMRF investment counsel.

In addition, the board has established several committees to review and research various topics. These committees meet at various intervals and generally make recommendations to the full Board.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee was established in 2002 and meets twice a year. The Audit Committee functions as a communications link between the Board of Trustees, the outside auditors, the internal auditor, and IMRF senior management.

2024 Audit Committee

Louis Kosiba, Chair
Gwen Henry, Vice Chair
Natalie Copper
Tom Kuehne
Sue Stanish
Peter Stefan

Benefit Review Committee

The Benefit Review Committee was established in 1987 and meets as needed. When a member applies for a benefit and is denied that benefit, the member can appeal the denial. Although the full Board of Trustees makes a final decision whether to uphold or reverse the denial, the Benefit Review Committee hears the appeal. This committee acts as a fact-finder and administrative judge. It reports its findings to the full board and recommends whether a denial should be upheld or reversed.

2024 Benefit Review Committee

Natalie Copper, Chair
Dave Miller, Vice Chair
Doug Cycholl
Tom Kuehne
Peter Stefan

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee assists the Board of Trustees with its duty to invest the assets of the Fund. It periodically reviews and changes investment policy and asset allocation, evaluates investment portfolio and investment manager performance, evaluates and selects investment managers, evaluates and selects a master trustee, evaluates and selects investment consultants, evaluates and selects policy level benchmarks, evaluates and approves the assignment of investment related contracts, terminates investment service providers and performs other duties that may be assigned by the Board of Trustees.

The Investment Committee meets on as as-needed basis.

2024 Investment Committee

Sue Stanish, Chair
Natalie Copper, Vice Chair
Doug Cycholl
Gwen Henry
Louis Kosiba
Tom Kuehne
Dave Miller
Peter Stefan

Legislative Committee

The Legislative Committee meets periodically as needed. The Legislative Committee provides an important contact between IMRF and its members with the General Assembly. Committee members may meet with key legislators to discuss legislative proposals endorsed by IMRF.

The Legislative Committee:

2024 Legislative Committee

Dave Miller, Chair
Doug Cycholl, Vice Chair
Natalie Copper
Gwen Henry
Louis Kosiba
Tom Kuehne
Sue Stanish
Peter Stefan