Tracie M. Mitchell
Decatur, IL
Current Position
Emergency Communications Specialist for Central IL Regional Dispatch Center
Length of Service
Emergency Communications Specialist, July 2006 to Present; Emergency Communications Clerk, January 2000 to July 2006.
Current Job Duties
As an Emergency Communications Specialist, I receive 911 and non-emergency calls involving crime, fire, and medical issues; determine the appropriate priority level response; and dispatch appropriate personnel. My work involves multi-tasking between multiple agencies, radio channels, and incoming/outgoing phone calls, as well as performing record entries/searches in local and national databases.
Other Pertinent Information
For 20 years I’ve worked in Emergency Communications, and I serve as Recording Secretary of AFSCME Local 268. I’m a spirited and determined advocate for public service workers; this commitment to advocacy is why I now seek to serve as Employee Trustee.
When my dispatch center was privatized, I led a successful effort to safeguard our valuable IMRF status. When elected, I vow to keep that fighting spirit to ensure our earned pension benefits are there when we need them.