2020 Executive Trustee Election

Board Room

Jamie Maitret

Present Position

Director of Finance for the City of Belleville

Length of Service

Director of Finance, September 2009 to present


As Director of Finance, an appointed Department Head that reports directly to the Mayor, I oversee 2 staff members. My office handles payroll for all City staff (approximately 300 full-time employees), processes all accounts payable for the City, and prepares our annual budget and tax levy.

Other Pertinent Information

I am the Authorized Agent for the City of Belleville. My department administers employees’ participation in IMRF, and assists members with retirement questions, disability issues, and all other pension related matters. Previous to my employment with the City, I worked for a public accounting firm, performing financial audits of public entities. IMRF is well-funded, but having an additional voice for our members is essential. I am seeking this position to bring a positive voice to the board from Southern Illinois.