GASB 68 Resources

for IMRF Employers

IMRF participating employers who report using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are required to follow rules established by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). In June 2012, GASB issued statement number 68 with the objective of improving accounting and financial reporting on pensions by government entities. IMRF is presenting this online resource to aid participating employers in implementing the new standards required by GASB 68.

The requirements on IMRF employers established by GASB 68 can be summarized into four processes. IMRF employers are required to:

  1. Project the future benefit payments for current and former employees and their beneficiaries.
  2. Discount those payments to their present value.
  3. Allocate the present value over past, present, and future periods of employee service.
  4. Disclose future inflows and outflows.

Long Term Expected Real Rate of Return by Asset Class

as of 12/31/2023

Asset Class Target Allocation Return 12/31/23 Projected Returns/Risk
One Year Arithmetic Ten Year Geometric
Equities 34.5% 23.30% 6.35% 5.00%
International Equities 18.0% 19.64% 8.00% 6.35%
Fixed Income 24.5% 7.62% 4.85% 4.75%
Real Estate 10.5% -4.15% 7.20% 6.30%
Alternatives 11.5% 2.60%
Private Equity N/A 12.35% 8.65%
Hedge Funds N/A N/A N/A
Commodities N/A 7.20% 6.05%
Cash Equivalents 1.0% 5.23% 3.80% 3.80%

as of 12/31/2022

Asset Class Target Allocation Return 12/31/22 Projected Returns/Risk
One Year Arithmetic Ten Year Geometric
Equities 35.5% -19.12% 7.82% 6.50%
International Equities 18% -17.86% 9.23% 7.60%
Fixed Income 25.5% -11.83% 5.01% 4.90%
Real Estate 10.5% 12.83% 7.10% 6.20%
Alternatives 9.5% 3.99%
Private Equity N/A 13.43% 9.90%
Hedge Funds N/A N/A N/A
Commodities N/A 7.42% 6.25%
Cash Equivalents 1.0% 3.18% 4.00% 4.00%